The Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming and Drones

Managing Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones booth, prioritizing visitor experience and engagement.

• Project video
• Designing and managing booth for Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones
Executing the Saudi Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones Union booth meticulously, focusing on precise planning and refined design for the visitor's journey. The booth aims to showcase leading programs and initiatives that enhance national skills and software development in cybersecurity, leveraging advanced technologies like drones. Additionally, the booth includes hospitality services to meet visitors' needs and provide an interactive environment that encourages communication and the exchange of ideas and expertise in this vital field.
• SAFCSP Booth in LEAP 2024
Despite the limited construction time for the Saudi Federation for Cyber Security, Programming, and Drones pavilion at LEAP 2024, both design and execution were completed successfully. Managing within a tight timeframe posed logistical challenges, but efficient organization ensured the punctual delivery of materials and equipment. The result was a remarkable achievement, with the pavilion executed to high standards, meeting all client specifications, and significantly contributing to the fulfillment of participation objectives.
• Project Insights
Client Name
Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones
Event Type
International Annual Technical Conference
Riyadh Exhibition & Convention - Malham
Event Duration
4 days
170K Visitor
Scope of Activities
Tech innovation platform unites innovators, investors, backed by Saudi Ministry of Communications and partners.
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